About Us

Cairns Children's Centre

Cairns Children's Centre is a provincially funded non-profit School-Aged
child care centre with two locations: Fort Garry and St. Norbert. 

Our flagship center opened on March 16, 1981 in Bonnycastle school and expanded
to open a second satellite center in Parc La Salle school on January 8, 2007. 

Mission Statement

We believe that children are unique, capable individuals with unlimited potential.  We embrace a
child-inspired approach for creating a program that appreciates the individuality of each child.  


Our Cairns Values are:
· Respect · Equity
· Communication · Nurturing
· Lifelong Learning ·Creativity and Discovery


At Cairns we have an amazing group of dedicated  Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), Child Care Assistants (CCAs) and Administrators who work very hard to provide children with a fun,
memorable, and educational experience. We offer parents the comfort of knowing
that their child is receiving the best quality of care while they are apart.